You're a professional coach, hypnotist, or consultant who spends more time looking for clients than you do working with them. Maybe you have a client-facing team who simply can't perform at your level, meaning your hard-earned money goes to finding new clients instead of retaining them.

And worse, every client who doesn't get the results they hoped for creates self-doubt, fear, and the overwhelming pain of feeling like an imposter.

The bad news is, the lingering questions of, "Is it me? My technique? Or am I simply not good enough?" will shadow every other client you work with and rob them of the results they want and deserve.

This means when people talk about the work you do, word-of-mouth referrals stop and unwanted negative reviews ruin your reputation.

No referrals or positive reviews means no business.

No business means your confidence shatters -

and worst of all, your bank account reads $0.

But it doesn't have to be this way.

The reality is, many people-helpers find it challenging to get clients and keep them, but then why are there those who seem like a magnet, attracting clients left and right?

For a moment, imagine you could overcome these hurdles and give every client a transformational breakthrough, every time. Your reviews sky-rocket singing praises for your consistent mind-bending work. You gain a wait-list a mile long from the continual referrals, and your clients keep coming back for more - all but throwing money at you.

This isn't a dream. It's a reality for many and the secret is much simpler than you think. All it takes is learning how to Enter the Loop using The September Method of conversation.

And I'm here to show you how.


I'm Timothy September

I've been known as a jack-of-all trades when it comes to personal development and people-helping. As a coach and mentor to those from all walks of life, I've successfully helped hundreds of people overcome the overwhelm, find a sense of peace, and discover meaning in their life and business.

It wasn't all puppies and rainbows, though.

There was a time in my life that I thought I couldn't go on. My business was failing, my business partner and I had a falling out. I started second-guessing my choices and lost complete faith in myself.

I had to completely start over.

Imagine sitting in an empty apartment with only a computer and a mattress on the floor. That was me, questioning how I ever ended up here. I thought I was a failure. But then, I discovered the one secret that changed everything.

I learned how to get out of my own way using my unconscious mind.

I studied yoga, meditation, life coaching, personal development, neurolinguistic programming, hypnosis, breathing techniques, and unconscious writing. I also became board certified from both American and International accredited boards in hypnosis, hypnotherapy, and coaching. I started taking personal clients, helping friends and family, and transformed my failures into wisdom and success.

Best of all, after close to a decade, I now find myself working side-by-side with the worlds top hypnosis and personal development training company, Mike Mandel Hypnosis as their Head of Coaching and in-house business and marketing consultant.

I'm also the Co-Founder of Pykthos, a company the CEO of Mike Mandel Hypnosis, Chris Thompson and I started; where we help people-helpers like coaches, hypnotists, and therapists build their businesses from the ground up into thriving ventures.

It's a heck-of-a-lot of fun and hard-work. But it's all paid off.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not a guru.

I'm not a man with all the answers.

I'm a person just like you, who had to overcome failure over and over again, until it eventually become my greatest success.

YOU are capable of the same greatness and The World Needs YOU Now, at your very best.

If I can do it, you can too. I can help you get there.

Happy days and to your future success,

"If you have the opportunity to train with Timothy, jump at it because the content he shares with you is new and nothing short of exceptional."

Ryan M. Montis
World-Renowned Hypnotherapy Trainer

The September Method

Consistent, High-Level Results, Everytime


Conversational Breakthroughs

The September Method of conversation will transform the way you work with clients. Whether you're a coach, hypnotist, consultant, therapist, leader, or other professional people-helper, you'll never go back to relying on out-dated techniques ever again. You'll discover the joy of learning how to Enter the Loop, which is like learning a second language to talk directly to your client's unconscious mind. It's the fast track to giving them consistent, predictable, mind-bending results - it's your ticket to personal growth and keeping them coming back for more.

Gain & Retain

Clients and Confidence

When you change people's lives learning how to Enter the Loop with The September Method, others will notice. How could they not? By giving clients the consistent breakthroughs they want, your reviews will speak for themselves. It's one thing to say you are the best, and it's another when others say you are the best. Everyone knows it shouldn't hurt your confidence (or your bank account) to be in the people-helping space. By becoming a Looper, you'll know how to tackle darn-near any client problem because you'll know precisely what to say so your clients go "Whoa!"

Become a Looper

Embrace the Awesome

Everybody knows having a like-minded circle of friends is the difference between feeling like an imposter and feeling fulfilled and free. My community of successful Loopers will give you the reassurance in learning how to Enter the Loop, with practical activities to practice and an easy to follow framework that turns strangers into repeat clients. You're self-esteem will sky-rocket, allowing you to charge what you're worth and feel good about it. You'll say 'goodbye' to self-doubt, 'hello' to fulfillment, and embrace your inner awesome when you become a Looper.

Work Smarter, Not Harder

Everyone deserves a work-life balance that rewards your talents. With The September Method, you'll give yourself your time back with less headaches or fear of failure. The Enter the Loop framework's proven system will remove the trial and error of working with clients and getting no-where, meaning you get to keep your sanity while having a major sense of relief. Becoming a Looper is the fastest way to gain clarity in professional journey and to start giving your clients the breakthroughs they deserve.

Together, we’ll make a difference, and it starts here.

Your journey starts here

The Easy Way To Get Clients

& Keep Them Coming Back

Unlock the secret to effortlessly attracting and retaining loyal clients with "The Easy Way to Get Clients & Keep Them Coming Back!" This transformative course reveals an 8-step process that has empowered countless entrepreneurs to achieve financial freedom. Experience the joy of seeing clients return again and again with my exclusive strategies like The September Method of Conversation and Enter the Loop. Perfect for coaches, consultants, and all people-helpers, this course will boost your confidence and revolutionize your business. Start your journey towards a thriving, client-filled future!

Become a Looper

The September Method

Enter the Loop - Conversational Training

This conversation mastery adventure will give you the confidence to easily give darn-near any client massive breakthroughs. That means your clients are happy, you radiate confident-goodness, and your testimonials will skyrocket. By learning The September Method of Conversation, you'll discover how to Enter the Loop, giving you the upper-hand in every client conversation. Tell those unwanted feelings of imposter syndrome "Goodbye!" with this easy to understand, framework of unconscious communication. Your clients will keep coming back, always curious over what they'll discover next.

It's As Easy As...

Step 1:

Click the

"Discover Enter the Loop" button.

Step 2:

Purchase the

Enter the Loop course

Step 3:
You (and/or your clients!) get results. that make you go "Whoa!"

If you have any trouble when it comes to working with difficult clients, Timothy September has a solution to help you.

Timothy September has the skills that change people's lives.

Mike Mandel & Chris Thompson

The Mike Mandel Hypnosis Academy


Guest Speaker from Podcasts

Whether you're a coach, hypnotist, therapist, or other type of people-helper, you'll absolutely love the guest podcasts I've been on.

From the long-running Brain Software Podcast with Mike Mandel and Chris Thompson for a transformative journey into the world of hypnosis...

Or smaller podcasts that are growing like the Hypno-Travelers on the Magical Psyche Highway, or Curate and Upgrade...

The conversations are fun, engaging, and sure to give you some thoughtful insights into personal development, hypnosis, and communication.

My Top 3 Episodes

The Ubiquitousness of Conversational Hypnosis
Guest on The Brain Software Podcast
(Ep 229)

Timothy September, Creator of "Enter The Loop"

Guest on Hypno-Travelers on the Magical Psyche Highway Podcast

(Ep 23)

Calibration, Conversation and Hypnotizability

Guest on The Brain Software Podcast

(Ep 241)

The September Method

Keep clients coming back for more with the
Enter the Loop framework of unconscious communication.

Access your training from anywhere, 24/7.

  • Learn at Your Own Pace, Stress-Free: Enjoy the convenience of flexible, manageable lessons that fit seamlessly into your busy schedule, reducing overwhelm and making learning enjoyable.

  • Feel Supported and Connected: Become part of a vibrant community of Loopers where you can share experiences, gain encouragement, and build lasting professional relationships, fostering a sense of belonging and motivation.

  • Boost Your Credibility and Confidence: Gain official recognition for your skills and enjoy valuable extras that enhance your knowledge and practice, giving you a competitive edge and increased self-assurance.

  • Stay Inspired and Updated: Regular live events keep you engaged, motivated, and informed about the latest techniques and trends, ensuring continuous growth and excitement in your practice.

  • Get Real-Time Support and Clarity: Experience the benefit of interactive sessions where you can see The September Method in action, ask questions, and receive immediate answers, enhancing your understanding and confidence in applying what you learn.

  • Experience the Freedom and Ease of Learning: Best of all, there are no scripts to read or remember, and no special techniques to memorize. Enjoy a stress-free learning experience that allows you to focus on connecting with your clients naturally and confidently.

At this point you truly have two options

Get Help With Your Clients

Enter the Loop Training

You might already have a people-helping business but have difficult or challenging clients. Maybe you are tired of difficult clients robbing you of your confidence. It might be the feeling of imposter syndrome because you just can't seem to give them the results they paid you for. If this is you, I know I can help you feel less stress and more confident working with "hard-to-please" clients.

Get Business Help Now

Pykthos or Mentorship

Maybe you've been wanting to start your very own coaching, hypnosis, or other people-helping business - but you've been getting in your own way. Without a plan of action or a blueprint, it can feel overwhelming and stressful to even know where to begin.

This is where I can help.

Click the button and get help with your business.

The Easy Way To Get Clients & Keep Them Coming Back

Discover the 8-step method that will give you confidence to charge what you're worth, how to Enter the Loop, and the easiest way to get clients and keep them coming back, eager to invest with you.

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Audio Course

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